The Perseid Collapse Series Kindle World

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After months of keeping this a quasi-secret, I’m excited and humbled to announce that I have signed a deal to bring The Perseid Collapse Series to Amazon’s Kindle Worlds on February 3, 2015. The deal represents Kindle Worlds’s first prepper-themed, post-apocalyptic thriller World, and a radical shift in thinking about reader/writer supported fan-fiction. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of Kindle Worlds, take a quick trip to ABOUT KINDLE WORLDS to learn more.

What does this mean for fans of The Perseid Collapse Series?

The series continues with a diverse range of quality stories—both spin-offs and expansions, based on the characters, settings and familiar elements of the original series. I’m working closely with several talented authors (they’re doing all of the work) to launch TEN novella length stories on or near February 3, 2015.

Here’s the initial list: Tom Abrahams, Russell Blake, David Forsyth, Ian Graham, G. Michael Hopf (hopefully!), Paul Antony Jones, Murray McDonald, Randall Powers, A.R. Shaw, Sean T. Smith, Richard Stephenson, Tim Queeney and John Vance. For details about the launch authors, visit THE AUTHORS.

A chance to contribute—I’m not kidding. I know the list of launch authors is intimidating, but Kindle Worlds is designed so that ANYONE can take their favorite series or World and build on it. You don’t have to be the next Steinbeck or Stephen King. Trust me, I was more on the level of Dr. Seuss when I started…maybe a little better. Maybe.

The Perseid Collapse World is huge, and I told most of it from Alex Fletcher’s perspective. There’s so much room to expand. I even make it easy for you with a LIST OF STORY IDEAS. Of course, by no stretch are you constrained to this list. This is the ultimate WHAT WOULD I DO WORLD? That could be your story. You wake up August 19, 2019: The power is out, most cars don’t work and you can’t find a working radio station to get any information. WHAT WOULD YOU DO to secure your family, self and/or loved ones? This story can be set ANYWHERE.

Visit FOR WRITERS to see the level of support available to you. If you click on the link, you are a WRITER in my mind.

Just want to read great stories? I understand. Be sure to visit THE NOVELLAS on February 3, 2015, to download the stories. I’ve read a few of them already, and I’m blown away by the level of talent and effort that went into crafting these novellas for you.
