Starting somewhere

How to start this blog?  I can’t imagine going wrong with a thank you to anyone who has put their stamp on my first novel.   Whether you took the plunge and bought the book, or simply passed the word on to a friend (or both hopefully), I’m humbled and impressed by your efforts.   Clearly you have all done something very right to help the word get out…sales via Amazon have steadily climbed since I uploaded the book into Kindle format.  I’m sure Amazon’s Christmas Kindle Proliferation didn’t hurt.  How many Kindles were sold last year?  iPads?

I certainly can’t claim to have pulled off a mastermind marketing campaign.   Or maybe I did, in sort of a low budget, high tech way.  Facebook, email lists, business cards (which my wife hands to everyone…she hands out ten for every single card I sheepishly offer).  I can’t thank her enough (though she might disagree).  I also started posting chapters on a fantastic survivalist/disaster preparation forum, mainly to get feedback from “the experts.”   People who really give some serious thought to modern day survival scenarios (every aspect).   I’d be willing to bet that this group spread the word far and wide.  Many thanks to the WSHTF readers…I’m almost done posting the entire novel there.

So what’s next?  Another novel for sure.   Not a disaster survival thriller, but more of a fast paced (frenetic) thriller, with plenty of twists.  I can envision a series of three novels…now if only I could start to envision my hands on the keyboard, writing the first book.  I’ve started, no worries there, and I’ve roughly mapped the story.  I just need to get serious about carving out some time.  Between family, friends, full time job, maintaining a house, TV shows I can’t miss, and exercise…what was I talking about?  Yes.  More excuses not to sit down and dig into a great story.

Before I get back into the mindset of my new protagonist…please let me know what you’d like to see or hear about on this blog.  You can post comments, review The Jakarta Pandemic…whatever you’d like.

Warmest regards,
